Monday Memo

Week 09 | October 15-19, 2018

Upcoming EVENTS

Afternoon Carpool Reminder

  • Please be aware of the cones that separate 1st carpool from 2nd carpool. Do not move or run over the cones. Our objective is to maintain student safety and move carpool along efficiently. Thank you so much for your help with this.

--- From The School Office ---


October 22-26, 2018

It’s time for Red Ribbon Week. This is the week where we pledge to be alcohol and drug free. We will be celebrating our pledge each day with a fun activity. Please see below for each day’s activity.

A huge THANK YOU to our PTO who purchased our items to help the celebration!!!

Just a reminder that all out of uniform items must be appropriate. If in doubt don’t wear it. Choose something different.

Stacie Short

School Counselor

--- From The Library ---


Our STREAM/STEAM/STEM challenges have begun!

What is STREAM? It's at the heart of our 2018 Library Mission:

Inspired by purposefully selected objective-oriented mentor texts, technology resources, and aesthetic reading, St. Albert the Great students will become creators through the process of inquiry, collaboration, and engagement through STREAM- Science, Technology, Religion, Engineering, Art, and Math.

Please ask your child about the mentor text that inspired their grade level project and what their group's objective/idea is. Our goal is to extend grade level objectives and themes through guided inquiry when possible. By collaborating with classroom teachers, inquiry extends into the library. Many grade levels will use upcycled materials to construct their products. After researching, students will be immersed in the design process. In general, the library is collecting:

  • Plastic bags (from grocery/discount stores)
  • Paper towel/TP rolls
  • Various cardboard boxes that have not been in food contact
  • Any other interesting empty container that students can repurpose

Storytelling Club

Grades 4-8

An extracurricular opportunity is coming for students in grades 4-8! Storytelling Club! We will learn and practice theatrical techniques for great storytelling. This will be a service club, as well, as we will share our storytelling with other groups and audiences. (8th graders may receive service hours.) Our first meeting will be Tuesday, November 6, with additional Tuesday meetings and separate service presentations. Interested 4th-8th grade students may pick up a permission slip in the library starting on Monday.

--- Around The School ---

Parent Tech Talk: Internet Safety

Thursday, November 15th 6:30 to 8:30 pm

As a ministry of our parish, we would like to offer an opportunity for parents to ask questions and discuss the current digital landscape that we all live in -- specifically how this landscape affects our children and our students. Technology can be an incredible force for good, but as parents, we still need to guide our children to become good digital citizens. Parents therefore need to be aware of the questions and challenges that today's children face.

The seminar will consist of a short presentation and then group discussions on tips, tricks and case studies pertaining to our children growing up with technology. Topics will range from toddlers using YouTube to the teenagers getting into social media.

I will be facilitating the presentation on Thursday, November 15th 6:30 to 8:30 pm

Students can attend, but the session will be more oriented towards parents. Child care is not provided.

NOTE: You do not have be a St. Albert parent to attend. All are welcome.

Bill Henderson

School Director of Technology

Bottle Cap Collection is Complete!

We have now reached the conclusion of this very successful campaign! St. Albert Parish and School would like to send a HUGE thank you to everyone who helped to collect and donate plastic caps to our cause! We initially began the Recycled Bottle Cap project to help the Sisters of Nazareth get benches and trash receptacles. The project expanded to help our own Sports Ministry gather plastic caps to get several picnic tables for our Sports Field. It was a huge success! In total we collected several thousands of pounds of plastic! Thank you again to everyone who helped this campaign.

Drumming Workshop

Begins Oct. 22

Grades 4-8

Drumming workshop with Ms. Peake and Billy Masterson on Mondays 3:00-4:30, starting Oct. 22 - Nov. 12. Fee is $60 per student payable by first class with check made to Ms. Peake. No refunds for missed classes. Students may bring snack. Pickup by music room breezeway. Parents may arrive at 4:15 on final day of class for an informal drumming performance.

--- From The ParisH ---

National Jr. High Catholic Youth Conference

December 1, 2018

  • What: Jr. High Youth Conference
  • Who: Any Current 7th or 8th grade student
  • Cost: $65 (Scholarships are available) Let us Know ASAP to reserve your ticket!!
  • When: December 1, 2018
  • Where: Nashville, TN
    • Archdiocese of Nashville Catholic Pastoral Center
  • Bus: Leaves 7:00 am Returns 10:00 pm

Deadline to order: November 19, 2018

Sponsored by Archdiocese Catholic Youth

First Communion

The Family Retreat Day is Sunday, October 21 from 9:00 am - 11:30 am in the Parish Life Complex! First Communion Students and their Parents are to attend this wonderful experience together! and you are encouraged to attend the 10:30 am Mass

First Communion Rehearsal is October 30th at 7:00 pm in Church with Students and Parents - Please RSVP if you need babysitting for younger siblings.

National Jr. High Catholic Youth Conference

December 1, 2018

  • What: Jr. High Youth Conference
  • Who: Any Current 7th or 8th grade student
  • Cost: $65 (Scholarships are available) Let us Know ASAP to reserve your ticket!!
  • When: December 1, 2018
  • Where: Nashville, TN
    • Archdiocese of Nashville Catholic Pastoral Center
  • Bus: Leaves 7:00 am Returns 10:00 pm

Deadline to order: November 19, 2018

Sponsored by Archdiocese Catholic Youth


Haunted Halls

October 20, 2018 | 6:30-8:30pm

We are excited for another GREAT Haunted Halls! We need many, many hands and helpers!

Click HERE to volunteer just a brief amount of your time!

Click HERE to register to attend the event!

Don't forget to send in your grade level requested candy donation! List is below.

2019 Viking Gala

Don't miss the opportunity to experience My Old St. Albert Home, the Derby themed Viking Gala. Tickets are now on sale for the event, which will be held on January 26, 2019. Tickets purchased before November 30th will be entered into a raffle for the opportunity to win a VIP Gala Experience! Check out this flyer for more information on ticket purchases.

Gala Kid Art

The Gala Kid Art committee is seeking volunteers to help create the art work for each class that will be auctioned off the night of the Gala! It is one of the most exciting times during the Gala and each year the kids create priceless works for their families to take home. Please sign up with the link below if you would like to help! If you have questions, please email Jennifer at


Winter Sports Registration

Last Call! Registration for Basketball, Archery and Cheerleading closes today, Monday, October 15th at 11:59pm.

SAAM and CSAA cannot accept registrations after SIPlay closes.

--- Service Opportunities & Youth Group ---

Bonfire Night!

Regional Jr High Bonfire Night coming November 3rd at Epiphany Church 5:00-8:30 pm! Mass, Games, Hot Dogs, S'mores! Will Light up your night!! Click below to sign up

Jr High Youth Night

Jr High Youth Night in the NEW Youth Room!

6th 7th & 8th Graders - October 17 6:30-8:30pm

Bring Your Friends!

Fun and Faith-Sharing - RSVP

Catholic Charities Donation Truck

7th & 8th Graders! Social Concerns Committee needs volunteers for the Oct. 20 Catholic Charities Household Items Collection that will be in the church parking lot from 9 am - 3 pm (2.5 hour shifts)

Pumpkin Deliver to Nursing Homes

Jr High and High School Youth - Families with Younger Children! Come help cheer up our friends at area nursing homes by delivering our painted pumpkins!! October 21 from 3:00-5:30 pm!

Pumpkin Painting!

Jr High and High School Youth are encouraged to come help with the Pumpkin Painting during Haunted Halls on October 20th from 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm!

Leaf Raking

Come with your friends and a rake! We will go out and rake yards for our elderly or homebound parishioners! November 18th from 1:00-5:30 (includes going to dinner!) CLICK RSVP by Nov. 12

We WILL need Adult drivers! Great project for Confirmation Students AND SPONSORS!!

Have a good week!

Updated: 10/15/18 @ 3:25 PM