Monday Memo
Week 02 | August 19-23, 2019
1-8 Grade Parent Orientation
Thursday, August 22nd, 1st - 8th Grade Parent Orientation
Session times: 6:00, 6:35, 7:10 p.m.
This parents only meeting is for ALL 1st - 8th grade parents. Hear from your child's teacher(s), learn about class expectations, and find out about all the exciting learning activities that await your child this year. Each session will be 30 minutes long with 5 minutes to travel between grades (if applicable). There will be time at the end of each session for Q&A. Multiple sessions are available for those who have more than 1 child in the school so parents do not have to split up their time between homerooms. Please be on time as we will begin promptly at 6:00, 6:35, and 7:10 p.m. Parents should go to their child's homeroom unless communicated otherwise from their teacher. We look forward to seeing you Thursday!
--- From The Office ---
How to Help Your Child Succeed in School
Support from parents is key to helping kids do well academically. Here are a few ways you can put your kids on track to be successful students.
- Attend orientation and Parent-Teacher Conferences
- Visit the school website
- Support homework expectations
- Know the school’s disciplinary policies
- Get involved
- Take attendance seriously
- Make time to talk about school
These years of schooling are an important time for parents to be informed and supportive about your child’s education. Working together, we can make this a great year!
Debbie Abbott
Asst. Principal--- Around The School ---
Water Step Collection
We will be collecting new and gently used shoes for two weeks beginning August 24th through September 8th for WaterStep. Please send in any donations you may have with students and they can drop them off in the boxes located in the hallway outside of their homeroom. Donations can also be dropped off in the box located in the Gathering Space of the Church.
By donating your new and gently used shoes to WaterStep, you’ll help fund safe drinking water projects all over the world — projects that help to save hundreds of thousands of lives each year. In addition to funding water projects, donated shoes keep hundreds of tons of waste out of our landfills. We accept gently used athletic shoes that are free of mold/mildew. Shoes are sold to an exporter and funds received help bring clean water to those in need.
St. Albert Water Bottles
If you would like to purchase St. Albert the Great water bottles students in grades 1-8 can carry during the school day, please click on the below link.
Choose the homeroom of the child you would like to bring home ALL of the water bottles ordered by your family. Please purchase the number of water bottles you need in ONE order so we can expedite the orders quickly.
All payments will be online for this and future orders. All proceeds go to the Thirst Project for the 6th grade to bring clean water to underdeveloped countries.
Student Council appreciates your support! The officers worked very hard on this proposal last school year.
NOTE: This shipment has 200 bottles. If we sell out, another order will be placed. We will distribute water bottles in the order we receive payment.
Safe Environment Training Tonight: LOCATION CHANGE
Any parent wanting to volunteer in a classroom, chaperone a field trip, or coach a sport must complete a background check and attend the Archdiocese sponsored “Honor Thy Children/Safe Environment” class. In order to obtain your background check you will need to send to the parish office a check for $15.00 made payable to St. Albert the Great, along with your full name and email address. Please mark it to the attention of Larry Brunner.
For more information and upcoming Training dates, visit to the Archdiocese of Louisville Restoring Trust website.
After SChool Drama
A TEN-WEEK after school drama program open to ALL St. Albert students!
- WHEN: Tuesdays 2:45-4 pm September 10 - November 19 (no class 10/1)
- WHERE: Classroom TBA
- COST: $100/student (to be paid at start of first class) Scholarship application available, contact
- GRADES K-2: Participate in story drama, exploring characters and environments of folk tales and other children’s stories from around the world.
- GRADES 3-6: Learn the basics of improvisation, creating a character, and working with scene partners.
Would love to see you come to our parish family FALL FESTIVAL! September 21st following the 5:00 pm Mass together! Free Food! Free Fun! For all ages! Rain or Shine!
Calling all MATHLETES grades 6-8!
Do you LOVE Math and want to work with others who CHALLENGE YOU?
Do you NOT love Math and want to work with others who can help you improve?
Join us Thursday, September 5th after school to learn about St. Albert’s new MathCounts competition team.
If you choose to join the team, practice will be held most Thursdays after school in 6A. The school competition will be held in January with a chance to advance to the regional, state, and national competitions.
- When:
- Information session - September 5th 2:45-3:45
- Practice sessions - Thursdays from 2:45-3:45
- Where: 6A
- Who: 6-8 grade students (You do NOT need to consider yourself “good” at math!)
- Cost: $50 (covers registration, a year of practice, and T-shirt)
--- From The ParisH ---
First Communion
Important First Communion Meeting for Parents will be held in the Parish Life Complex on September 11 at 7:00 pm. (Nursery available with week advance RSVP
The Mass celebrating First Holy Eucharist will be November 10 at 1:30 pm! Please use link below to Register your child(ren) for the preparation formation process. If your child needs to be Baptized or to receive his/her First Reconciliation, please contact Cindy McKinley
Made for More Event
Brought to you by: St. Patrick Church, St. Albert the Great, St. Peter the Apostle, St. Raphael the Archangel and St. Rita/St. Luke.
Sponsored by Family Renewal Project
September 18, 2019 | 7:00-9:30pm
St. Patrick Catholic Church
1000 N. Beckley Station Rd. | Louisville, KY 40245
World renowned speaker and author Christopher West, along with musician, Mike Mangione, are coming to Louisville with an all new event called MADE FOR MORE: VISIONS OF THE PROMISED LAND. Bring family and friends. No one should miss this awesome and inspiring event!
This event will sell out, so get your tickets early!
Go to for tickets and more information about the event.
Save The Date: Walk A Thon
Friday September 20, 2019
Save the date for the 4th Annual St. Albert the Great PTO Walk-a-thon!! It will be a great day for the whole family so bring everyone out to walk, cheer, and support our school. Thank you so much to everyone that completed their permission slip and shirt order form at Open Classrooms. If you did not complete the form or do not have a packet, please stop by the office to pick one up or email us at and we will send one home via kidmail or email. Deadline for shirt orders is Friday, August 23rd. Also find below the Sponsorship Letter and form if your family or business would like to help sponsor this great event and have their name displayed on over 700 walk t-shirts, we need these returned no later than Friday, August 30th!
Room Parent Sign Ups Coming Soon
Becoming a Room Parent is a wonderful way to be involved in your child’s classroom! You get to spend PTO money to throw Halloween, Christmas and Valentines parties. Look for sign-up info in next week’s Monday memo.
Party dates are:
- Halloween: Thursday, October 31
- Christmas: Thursday, December 19
- Valentine's Day: Monday, February 10
K-8 parties are 1:50-2:30pm and preschool parties are 9:15-10:15am.
PTO Info
Your PTO is excited as we gear up for another school year. This note is to thank you-- ALL OF YOU-- for your part in making our PTO a success. Whether you provide leadership chairing a committee, spend time volunteering in an activity, give funding, or organize any PTO event, you all contribute to our ability to offer services to the school that directly affect our kids.
EVERYONE that is a parent with a child enrolled at St. Albert is a part of our PTO. We have many committees that could use your help for the 2019-2020 school year. Our first meeting is September 18th. Please find our PTO table at Open Classrooms or email if you are interested or have any questions. If you know you would like to get involved with a committee this school year please click on the following link and fill out the form linked below.
Fall Sports Gate and Concession Worker Sign-ups
New Slots are now added!
We once again need your help to support our St. Albert Vikings. Each family is required to sign up for one slot during the season. This means if your child is playing football, volleyball, flag football, cross country, K-2 soccer, cheerleading or powder puff football you need to work a shift in the St. Albert gym. These volunteer hours greatly reduce the cost of all sports at St. Albert.
If you wish to have a sub work your shift, please refer to either the sub list located on the Sports Ministry link or contact Kelly Logsdon at You will be responsible for paying the sub. If you don't find a sub and do not show up for your shift, your child will have to sit out a game. If you do find a sub and the sub does not show up, your child will not be penalized.
Spirit Wear
Spruce up your closet with some St. Albert and Lyndon Catholic Rams gear!
Our spirit wear store is now live! Click on the link and place your order. Orders will be taken until the 1st and 15th of every month until midnight. Then, the order will be ready in 5 business days and can be picked up at the store. The store (Soccertown) is located in Holiday Manor right next to Feeder's Supply.
Go Vikings and Rams!