Monday Memo

Week 27 | MAR 02-06, 2020

Upcoming EVENTS

Stewardship Form 2020-2021

In this week's Tuesday Folders we will be sending home an early Stewardship Renewal Form (on blue paper) to all current parishioners with children enrolled in the Parish School. As a parish family of St. Albert the Great, please prayerfully complete your annual renewal form and return it to the School Office by May 31st.

In order to receive Parish Tuition Rates for the 2020-2021 School Year the completion of an annual Stewardship form is a requirement.

--- From The Office ---

Carpool Reminders

Please be advised that when you are parked behind the cones during afternoon dismissal this designates that you are in the second carpool line. Do not move the cones or run over the cones.

Also, please leave animals in the car when you are picking up students in the afternoon.

Below is a video that several of our classes are using to discuss the Coronavirus.

Coronavirus Concerns

The Archdiocese shared a letter to address the growing concerns of the COVID-19 Coronavirus. Please see the below excerpt and the letter in it's entirety below.

The health and safety of your children are our top priorities. In collaboration with our parishes and schools, the Archdiocese of Louisville continues to monitor recommendations from the Louisville Metro Department of Public Health and Wellness (LMPHW) and the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) regarding the coronavirus (COVID-19).

The CDC assessment of March 2, 2020 states, “For the general American public, who are unlikely to be exposed to this virus at this time, the immediate health risk from COVID-19 is considered low.” We will continue to monitor the developing situation, and if recommendations change, we will notify schools and parents immediately. At this time, we are following normal protocols.

CDC recommends individuals, families, and schools follow everyday preventive measures:

  • Voluntary Home Isolation: Stay home when you are sick with respiratory disease symptoms. Now, these symptoms are more likely due to influenza or other respiratory viruses than to COVID-19-related virus.
  • Respiratory Etiquette: Cover coughs and sneezes with a tissue, then throw it in the trashcan.
  • Hand Hygiene: Wash hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds; especially after going to the bathroom; before eating; and after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing. If soap and water are not readily available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer with 60%-95% alcohol.
  • Environmental Health Action: Routinely clean frequently touched surfaces and objects.

Routine use of these measures by individuals, their families, and schools will increase community resilience and readiness for responding to an outbreak.

--- Around The School ---

$1.00 Dress Down Day

$1.00 Dress Down Day Friday March 6th.

This is the last $1.00 Dress Down day for this school year!!

The 8th graders appreciate your support!

St. Baldrick's 2020

Sunday, March 8th, 1-3PM @ Our lady of Lourdes

This year St. Albert is partnering with our friends over at Our Lady of Lourdes (508 Breckenridge Ln. 40207) to participate in St. Baldricks. See their flyer and link below.

ArchLou Safe Environment Trainings

  • Thursday, March 5, 2020 – St. Athanasius School
  • Monday, March 16, 2020 – St. Michael (Louisville)
  • Tuesday, April 14, 2020 – St. Martha
  • Thursday, April 16, 2020 – St. Albert The Great
  • Monday, May 4, 2020 – St. Gabriel

Summer Solutions is here!

Summer learning loss puts students at a serious disadvantage. This is when skills and knowledge are lost over the summer months, causing students to move backwards instead of progressing.

By spending just minutes a day with Summer Solutions, students get the practice they need to keep moving forward. It was designed to help students return to school after summer break confident in the skills they’ve already learned and ready to master new ones.

Your child worked hard all year. Make sure that progress sticks. Give your child the advantage of Summer Solutions.

Each book is $13.00

Hoops For Heart

Mr. Muchow is hosting a 2 on 2 double elimination basketball tournament for the American Heart Association called HOOPS FOR HEART.

It is open to all St. Albert students in 4th through 8th grade. It will be a separate tournament for boys and girls.

  • The Boys 7th and 8th graders are scheduled for March the 10th from 3 to 6 PM.
  • The Boys 5th and 6th graders are scheduled for March the 11th from 3 to 6 PM.
  • The Boys 4th graders are scheduled for March 12th from 3 to 6 PM.
  • The Girls 4th graders and 7th& 8th graders are scheduled for March 17th from 3 to 6 PM.
  • The Girls 5th & 6th graders are scheduled for March 18th from 3 to 6 PM.

Art Classes

Click to see the current after school art classes instructed by Ms. Clements and Ms Finley. Grades 1-8 are invited to attend.

Drumming Workshop

Starts March 2

Drumming Workshop Grades 4-8

Ms. Peake and Mr. Billy Masterson will host a 4-week drumming workshop on Mondays, 3:00-4:30, on March 2, 9, 16 and 23. The fee is $60 per student, payable by first class.

Wear Super socks for World Down Syndrome Day

To celebrate World Down Syndrome Day (3/21), we invite students to wear their "Super Socks!" Friday, March 20th!

All Troop Girl Scout Mass & Potluck Lunch

St Albert invites all Girl Scouts to attend All Troop Girl Scout Mass at 10:30am on Sunday, March 15th to celebrate National Girl Scout week! Please wear vest/sash and/or troop tshirts.

After Mass, we will be having a PotLuck Luncheon in the cafeteria. We ask that all Girl Scout families bring a dish to share as well as a drink or serving item. When signing up please note how many in your family will be attending so we can plan accordingly.

Hope to see you there!

Textbook Logins

Online Textbook logins for students can be found at the spreadsheet linked below.

--- From The ParisH ---

Lenten Mission Night of Service

MARCH 23 @ 6:30 PM Come together for a meaningful hands-on experience of service that enables you to take action to help end hunger! ALL AGES can help package nutri-plenty meals to be distributed locally and to third world countries - and those a little too young will come make "Stone Soup" for an open-hand kitchen! Nursery will be available for infants - 4 years! SIGN UP NOW!

Altar Serving Training

Altar Server training will begin soon!

All 5th-7th graders are invited to be involved in this important ministry.

Please contact Laura Sullivan if your child is interested.

First Reconciliation

The First Reconciliation Workshop/Retreat for Students AND Parents is Tuesday, March 10 from 6:30-8:30 PM in the Church. Nursery is available for younger siblings RSVP ONLY Please remember to bring your child's quilt banner square! GRANDPARENT'S DAY is March 18!

Salt of the Earth: Serving God's People

Various local charities will be present at each Fish Fry this Lent in Willett Gym. They will have information about their organization and how you and your family can get involved. This is a great opportunity for children in need of service hours to learn about volunteer opportunities! Everyone is invited to be a part of our Salt of the Earth Ministry and learn about ways you can be the “Salt of the Earth and the Light of the World” by living Christ’s Gospel.

03/6: Catholic Charities will be highlighting Family Support Services, Migration and Refugee Services, and Sister Visitor Center.

Home of the Innocents will be highlighting fostercare and adoption.

412 Youth Activate Games Social Event

Activate offers high-tech games that test your teams physical and mental agility across a wide variety of real-life challenges. Once inside, you and your team choose from hundreds of combinations of games and difficulty levels, each lasting one to three minutes. Your electronic wristband tracks your score and progress throughout your experience making Activate perfect for a casual morning spent with friends or an intense competition.

This 75 minute experience lets you play with a team of 3-5 players as many of the mini games as you can in the time frame.

  • Who: All 6th-8th Grade Youth of the St. Albert Catholic Community
  • When: Saturday, March 14th at 10 AM
  • Where: Activate Games (2510 Hurstbourne Gem Lane | Louisville, KY 40220)
  • Cost: $15 per person

How do I sign up?: Sign up at link below, fill out Permission Slip, turn it and $15 into Ms. Ledgerwood by Monday, March 2nd.

Summer Mission Trip Opportunity

All current 7th and 8th graders are invited to join the St. Albert Youth Ministry office on our Summer 2020 Mission Trip to Catholic HEART Workcamp in Montague, MI from June 28th-July 3rd.

This summer, CHWC invites you to ask yourself the question: “Who am I?”. Join us as we discover the answer to this question by encountering the great I AM through love, service, and connection to His people.

$100 non-refundable deposit & Commitment Form due to sign up. Total Cost $300. 15 Spots Available. Flyers and Commitment Forms are located outside Ms. Ledgerwood's office.

Contact Emileigh Ledgerwood, Director of Youth Ministry & Confirmation, at for more information

Save the Date: Picnic 2020


St. Albert the Great Parish Picnic

Family Night: June 18th

June 19th & 20th, 2020


Used Uniform Sale!

Are your kids pants getting too short? Do their sweatshirt sleeves look too short? Come to the used uniform sale in the Parish Life Center during the fish fry on Friday March 20. We will be open from 4:30 to 7:30.


New REFIT dates are on the calendar for March! Please join us in the PLC for lots of laughs and sweating! It's a great way to get in a workout with friends! It is only $5/class and the money all goes back to the PTO. We hope to see you on the following dates:

  • Tuesday 3/3 @6pm
  • Wednesday 3/11 @6pm
  • Wednesday 3/18 @6pm
  • Wednesday 3/25 @6pm


Fish Fry Fridays

Fish Fry Fridays are here!

We need your help to make St. Albert's Fish Fry the best in town! Consider volunteering to work a shift or two. It is just a few weeks away.

Do not drop off children without adult supervision. We do not provide childcare.

Click below for available shifts. Grab a friend and work together!

Men's Spring Basketball League

Sign-ups Coming Soon...

Spread the word...Men's Spring Basketball League!

  • 30 years age minimum
  • Parishioners Only
  • Games played on Sunday evenings
  • Season begins the week after Spring Break and runs through May

Lyndon Catholic Tackle Football 2020

3rd and 4th grade league

We are in need for candidates to lead our 3rd and 4th grade teams this year for CSAA for the Lyndon Catholic Rams program. Due to the expected amount of players this year we are planning on having an all 3rd grade team and an all 4th grade team. We are seeking a dedicated head coach for both separate teams this year to lead our program at these grade levels. All assistants from previous year and anyone interested in learning more about our program please feel free to contact any of the following people below:

  • Chris Botner
  • Steve Burmester
  • Chris Schneidtmiller

Thanks and more information to come soon.

Best Regards,

The Lyndon Catholic Football Committee

--- OTHER NEWS ---

Trinity Summer Soccer Camp

This camp is designed to prepare players with the technical and tactical parts of the game. Dribbling (1-on-1 skills), passing and receiving, along with shooting and other basic skills will be taught. Juggling and penalty kick shootout contests along with the 4-vs-4 tourney are always a blast! The July camp will be held on the turf at Trinity’s Marshall Stadium and is directed by Head Coach Dale Helfrich and his staff of current and former players!

Holy Spirit Summer Camp

Summer Camp Registration is NOW OPEN! Free Registration and other early bird discounts available until February 28, 2020. Summer Camp Hours 9:00-3:30 with before and after camp care available. Camp is available to any student entering PreK - 7th grades. Part Time options are available please visit our website or call Angie Hiland at 502-893-7700 for more information.

The End.

Updated: 03/02/20 @ 2:30 PM