Monday Memo
Week 08 | SEpt 30 - Oct 4, 2019
We Need Your Help!
We need your help! We are in need of additional 6:03 Setup Teams!
These families or groups of two or more volunteers work to setup and put away the equipment we utilize during 6:03 Mass (including our 6:03 TV, drum kit, and Hospitality stations). This opportunity for service is a great chance for families with kids in Jr High or High School to become more involved at Mass and to gain service hours.
Contact Emily Bowling at 425-3940 ext. 108 or to volunteer and join our 6:03 Setup Team!
--- From The Office ---
October 1st, 3:00-7:00pm | October 2nd, 1:00-5:00pm
It’s conference time! I cannot believe that October is here. (Well, it will be tomorrow.) It seems like we just walked through the doors for the first time yesterday. I hope that the routine of school has been established in your home and everyone is adjusting. I know that it always took a little bit of time to get back into the swing of things at my house.
I thought I would take time to share with you some of the things I have learned from sitting on both sides of the table, as a parent and as a teacher during conferences.
As a teacher (or counselor):
- We think of the students as our own. We want them to succeed just like we want our own kids to succeed. We love kids and have devoted our career to kids.
- We want to work as a team to make the student the best he/she can be.
- Having to talk to a parent about issues or problems their student is having causes great stress. It is not something that is taken lightly. We spend sleepless nights worrying about our students.
As a parent:
- I have been to conferences where my child is doing great and I have been to conferences where the teacher had to tell me that my child needed extra help.
- My inner mama bear sometimes got in the way of truly listening to what the teacher saw. I wanted to protect my child but really if I had listened to the expert and gotten my child the extra help I might have been able to eliminate future academic struggles he went through.
- I do not have to feel like it is a us vs. them mentality. They really do want my child to be the best he/she can be. Having a team mentality only benefits my child.
Have a great conference and a relaxing break! If you need anything please let me know. I am here for your students and you.
Stacie Short
School Counselor--- Around The School ---
Popcorn and Pickles @ Recess
Get your popcorn and pickles at recess! Complete the form sent home in the 10/1 Tuesday Folder (or print from this link) and return with payment to participate in this fun Student Council fundraiser. Only one form is needed per family. Money collected is to fund new water fountains at school. DEADLINE is Tuesday, 10/8!
Thank You!
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! To our Fall Festival Volunteer Organizing Team: Nick & Erin Carter (our Master Grillers!), Lauren Biagi, Jackie Hornstein, Christine Newman, Elizabeth Recktenwald and Scott Spinetto! AND ALL of our Volunteers who pitched in to make this so much fun! AND THANKS to our wonderful, generous parish for providing this great, free celebration of Parish Family!
6-8 Pep Club
6-8th graders are invited to join the Viking Pride Pep Club! Click the link below for more information and complete the Google Form to be added to the list of members.
Textbook Logins
Online Textbook logins for students can be found at the spreadsheet linked below.
Drumming Workshop
Drumming Workshop Grades 4-8
(ONLY 10 spots - they will fill up fast!)
Ms. Peake and Mr. Billy Masterson will host a 4-week drumming workshop on Mondays, 3:00 -4:30, starting Oct. 7 thru 28. The fee is $60 per student, payable by first class with check made to Charlotte Peake. No refunds for missed classes. Students may bring a snack and drink. Pickup by breezeway next to 2nd grade (old music room). Parents may arrive at 4:15 on final day of class for a casual performance.
The Scholastic Book Fair is Here!
We need some parent volunteers to help with set up and tear down of the Fair as well as help in Preschool-3rd grade Library classes that week.
Our Scholastic Book Fair will be taking place September 26-October 2. Students may shop during Library period as well as during Parent/Teacher Conference days that week. We will also be hosting a Pastries with Parents on Friday morning, September 27, at 7:00am in the Library. Parents and their students may stop by during that time to grab a doughnut and browse the Book Fair together.
We are looking forward to seeing you there!
--- From The ParisH ---
412 Youth
Jr. High Youth (6th-8th grade) join us for 412 Youth!
Our jr. high youth group meets the 1st, 3rd, and 5th Tuesdays after school till 5 PM. Don't miss out on Flick Fridays, where we get together once a month on a Friday evening for movie nights. Join us as we gather to hang out, play games, grow in our faith, and build our community! See the attached calendar for our meeting dates.
Parents we need you to help provide adult coverage for our meetings. Please email with any questions or to volunteer.
Parent Volunteers Needed
Parents we need your help to make our jr. high youth group a success! 412 Youth is kicking off in October and we must have at least one additional adult present who is Safe Environment Trained in order to comply with the Archdiocesan policy. Please help us make our events happen!
Pictorial Directory Book
The 2019 Parish Pictorial Directory Books are here! A parish-wide digital access is available now! Click Here [ ] to access today (this link is also available at Our parish code is 6915!
If you participated in Directory Photography and have not picked up your book it is available for pickup in the Church. The Church is open Monday - Friday from 6:30am - 4:00pm, Saturday and Sunday from 6:30am-7:00pm. Please make every effort to retrieve your book as soon as possible.
First Communion
FIRST COMMUNION The Weekday School’s Bread Baking activity is October 9th in their classroom. Our volunteers need to sign in at school at 8:00 am.
Plate Painting Family Night is Thursday, October 10 beginning at 6:30 pm in Visitation Hall!*
FIRST COMMUNION RETREAT for students and parents is Sunday, October 20 from 9:00-10:15 am in the Parish Life Complex.*
*Nursery is available for younger siblings if you RSVP.
Confirmation Reminders
- Please submit enrollment forms for students and sponsors ASAP through Google Forms on the Parish Confirmation website.
- There is an updated permission slip for the Confirmation Retreat due to a date change. It is now on December 12th. Please return these ASAP.
- Sign up for Remind by texting @stalcc20 to the number 81010. This is the best way to get updates quickly from our office.
Haunted Halls Registration
Haunted Halls is Saturday October 12th. Doors open at 6:30pm. This is a FREE Event sponsored by the St. Albert PTO. Although it is free, you must still register for the event so that we can have correct attendance numbers for planning. If you plan to attend, please register by clicking the link below. Please check your Tuesday folder for more information about the event! Please email with any questions. We hope to see you there!
Haunted Halls Help
Haunted Halls, Saturday October 12th, needs lots of hands to help organize this wonderful FREE event for our children and families! Please consider volunteering your time (or your high schooler's time for service hours!)
PTO Teacher Conference Dinner Signups
It's hard to believe it, but Parent/Teacher Conferences are just around the corner and we need your help. In keeping with tradition, the PTO will provide dinner for our teachers on both evenings of the conferences (Oct. 1st and 2nd) in the teachers lounge. We are looking for volunteers to help provide additional food items to make this a very special event for our teachers.
It is a wonderful way to show our gratitude to the teachers for all their hard work!! In addition it is an easy way to support the PTO if otherwise your schedule hasn't permitted.
Thank you, Jessica Sullivan and Kelli Tyler
Archery and Basketball Sign-ups
Archery and Basketball Sign-ups are now live!
- Archery
- Basketball (JK/K Co-ed)
- Basketball (Grades 1-2)
- Girl's Basketball (Grades 3-8)
- Boy's Basketball (Grades 3-8)
- Intermediate Basketball (Grades 9-12)
- ****Note: Must be a parishioner at a Catholic Parish to participate in the Intermediate Basketball league.
Note: you must sign-up using a computer, not the app!
Late fee starts October 7.
Don't delay! Sign up today!
You ask...we deliver!
Wednesday, October 16
Kick Off at 6:00 in the PLC
Bring your favorite tailgate dish and wear a team jersey!
Buy online or Kid Mail to Becky Fry.
• Ticket $25
• Sponsor a Table (your name or logo goes on the table) $20
• Event Sponsor $100 (one available)
We have another vendor available to order TONS more spirit wear. The selection and prices makes it easy to find something for pretty much anybody! Check out the store at the link below.
Fall Sports Gate and Concession Worker Sign-ups
New Slots are now added!
We once again need your help to support our St. Albert Vikings. Each family is required to sign up for one slot during the season. This means if your child is playing football, volleyball, flag football, cross country, K-2 soccer, cheerleading or powder puff football you need to work a shift in the St. Albert gym. These volunteer hours greatly reduce the cost of all sports at St. Albert.
If you wish to have a sub work your shift, please refer to either the sub list located on the Sports Ministry link or contact Kelly Logsdon at You will be responsible for paying the sub. If you don't find a sub and do not show up for your shift, your child will have to sit out a game. If you do find a sub and the sub does not show up, your child will not be penalized.
Spirit Wear
Spruce up your closet with some St. Albert and Lyndon Catholic Rams gear!
Our spirit wear store is now live! Click on the link and place your order. Orders will be taken until the 1st and 15th of every month until midnight. Then, the order will be ready in 5 business days and can be picked up at the store. The store (Soccertown) is located in Holiday Manor right next to Feeder's Supply.
Go Vikings and Rams!
--- OTHER NEWS ---
Dyslexia Presentation
Langsford Center Louisville has an upcoming informational event about Dyslexia that is open to the public.
Dyslexia Presentation
October 29, 2019
4-6 pm
Seeing letters and words backwards is dyslexia, right? Wrong! In this presentation, Stephen McCrocklin, Langsford’s Executive Director, dispels that long held belief. We will also be showing James Redford’s movie “The Big Picture: Rethinking Dyslexia.” Learn what the latest research reveals about dyslexia.
high School Open Houses & Placement Test Info
Open houses provide opportunities for students and parents to visit Catholic secondary school campuses. Open houses may include tours, special programs, and demonstrations. The format of the open house is interactive, and parents and students will have the opportunity to ask questions. Refer to the listing of secondary schools on the left for the open house schedule for each school.
All students who plan to attend a Catholic secondary school must take the placement test at the secondary school they plan to attend.
Click link below for larger version
Saint Xavier Fall Swim Clinic
We are offering a great opportunity for your students at Saint Xavier High School! Our nationally ranked program offers an opportunity for your swimmer to learn essential skills and techniques to gain a competitive advantage in the water. The clinics at Saint Xavier promote a positive learning environment for ALL. Swimmers will be provided the tools to build self-confidence and will set personal goals that enrich self-esteem through a fun and competitive learning process.
Sign up for Saint Xavier's fall swim clinic and pursue excellence! Our Fall Swim Clinic is a great way to involve young athletes and promote positive learning from our highly experienced coaching staff. Our commitment to excellence shows with our extreme attention to detail. These clinics are open to any child between ages 4-14 at any skill level. We would love to have your child in the water at St. X!
Visit for more information.
Trinity Soccer Camp
Dec. 27, 28, 29 | 1 – 4 p.m.
Cost: $120 if received before Aug. 1; $130 if received after Aug. 1
Note: Checks should be made out to Trinity Soccer Camp and mailed to Trinity High School, Attn: Dale Helfrich, 4011 Shelbyville Rd., Louisville, KY, 40207 before the start of camp.
This camp will consist of basic skill development, along with a mixture of small-sided games and Futsal. The camp is designed to improve the technical aspect of each player’s game as well as enhance tactical decision making. Camp will be held in Trinity’s Shamrock Hall and is directed by Coach Dale Helfrich and his staff, and former and current players.
Contact Coach Dale Helfrich at 736-2178 or