Monday Memo

Week 29 | MAR 16-20, 2020

Upcoming EVENTS

Masses Cancelled

We find ourselves in unprecedented times. There isn't really a game plan or a template or even a real recommendation for anybody to follow in the current situation. Archbishop Kurtz released a statement today that called upon all priests to suspend the public celebration of the Eucharist, effective immediately and until further notice.

We will keep you update as we learn more.

--- From The Office ---

A Note From Mrs. SHORT


I know this has been a whirlwind the last few days with the closing of school for the next 3 weeks. I am sure that today may have been a little stressful as well. The first online school day always is, right? But, we know that after we do it a couple of times it becomes easy and things fall in line. Please be flexible.

Remember that our kids are watching to see how we are reacting to the changes going on around us. If we can have an open mind, acknowledge that there will be kinks with how this is going to play out and remain calm they will feel less anxious and stressed about all of the changes.

Self care is very important. Please be mindful of taking a break when needed. A walk after lunch or a long period of work can be just the thing we need to refresh our thinking and relax. Kids need this too. Encourage them to go outside and play for a short time, read a book for enjoyment, play a game as a family. There are also many ways to help our children when they are feeling overwhelmed or a little out of control. For the younger students there are many videos on youtube to help. One is Cosmic kids. The students have loved doing yoga in the classroom. It helps get the wiggles out. For our older students they may need to be able to listen to their music, talk on the phone, facetime, or just go outside to play.

I want you to know that I spent Friday trying to check in with the classes and the teachers. I will continue to be here for you and your student. If you need anything or have concerns please let me know. I will be checking my emails daily.

Remember to breathe,

Stacie Short

School Councilor

With the current concerns surrounding COVID-19 we thought it best to keep last week's section in this week's edition. The below section has been update with new information and a letter from the Archdiocese of Louisville.

Below is a video that several of our classes are using to discuss the Coronavirus.

Coronavirus (COVID-19) UPDATE

March 9, 2020: As of this morning, four (4) cases of Coronavirus (COVID-19) have been confirmed in Kentucky with one (1) of those cases in Jefferson County. The state of Kentucky has a web page with the latest information about the coronavirus.

Following news briefings from state and local leaders in Frankfort and Louisville today, our Catholic schools will continue to operate on normal schedules. We will continue to monitor conditions in conjunction with our local health departments, and if conditions change, we will adjust our recommendations and practices accordingly.

We are taking all precautions to provide safe and healthy environments for our students.

--- Around The School ---

ArchLou Safe Environment Trainings

  • --CANCELLED-- Monday, March 16, 2020 – St. Michael (Louisville) --CANCELLED--
  • Tuesday, April 14, 2020 – St. Martha
  • Thursday, April 16, 2020 – St. Albert The Great
  • Monday, May 4, 2020 – St. Gabriel

Summer Solutions is here!

Summer learning loss puts students at a serious disadvantage. This is when skills and knowledge are lost over the summer months, causing students to move backwards instead of progressing.

By spending just minutes a day with Summer Solutions, students get the practice they need to keep moving forward. It was designed to help students return to school after summer break confident in the skills they’ve already learned and ready to master new ones.

Your child worked hard all year. Make sure that progress sticks. Give your child the advantage of Summer Solutions.

Each book is $13.00

Textbook Logins

Online Textbook logins for students can be found at the spreadsheet linked below.

--- From The ParisH ---

Financial Peace University

It’s time to stop worrying about money! The nine-lesson Financial Peace University (FPU) course is the proven plan to help you keep a budget, beat debt, and build wealth! Dave Ramsey and his team of financial experts teaches every lesson with biblical wisdom, and you’ll get support and encouragement along the way. FPU includes your workbook and a free year of Financial Peace Membership, an online tool kit to support your journey. The cost is $99 plus tax per couple; Scholarships are available. The course will meet for 9 consecutive Tuesdays at 7:00pm here on St. Albert’s campus. The first session will be April 14th.

Contact Robert Clements (St. Albert Parishioner) at 843-297-7638 or for more info.

Tiny Saints are Here!

Rising 8th grade-Seniors of our St. Albert Catholic Community have the opportunity to travel to Montague, MI this summer for our Mission Trip to Catholic Heart Workcamp.

To kick off our fundraising efforts, we are partnering with Tiny Saints® to raise money for our trip! There are 125 different saints to choose from, plus 6 board books and 5 plush Sidekicks™. Don’t forget a Lanyard to clip all your favorite Tiny Saints® to! All Charms are $5 each. The Lanyard, Books, and Sidekicks™ are $10 each.

Contact Emileigh Ledgerwood in the Parish Office to place your order. Cash, Check, or Credit Card accepted. Orders will be accepted until April 30th. Visit the Tiny Saints® web page to view all of your options.

Thank you for supporting the youth of our parish and their mission to go forth and serve!

Summer Mission Trip Opportunity

All current 7th and 8th graders are invited to join the St. Albert Youth Ministry office on our Summer 2020 Mission Trip to Catholic HEART Workcamp in Montague, MI from June 28th-July 3rd.

This summer, CHWC invites you to ask yourself the question: “Who am I?”. Join us as we discover the answer to this question by encountering the great I AM through love, service, and connection to His people.

$100 non-refundable deposit & Commitment Form due to sign up. Total Cost $300. 15 Spots Available. Flyers and Commitment Forms are located outside Ms. Ledgerwood's office.

Contact Emileigh Ledgerwood, Director of Youth Ministry & Confirmation, at for more information

Save the Date: Picnic 2020


St. Albert the Great Parish Picnic

Family Night: June 18th

June 19th & 20th, 2020


Field Day Save the Date

Mark your calendars!

Field Day: Fun in the Sun

Thursday May 21st, 2020

Volunteer sign ups coming after spring break



Summer sports signups were planned to begin today, Monday, March 16th . Currently, all CSAA athletic activity is cancelled until school is back in session.

In order to avoid potential credits, SAAM is postponing signups until we have a better idea of when athletic activity will resume. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or concerns.

Matt Simon, SAAM Chair


Fish Fry Fridays

We are not certain the St. Albert Fish Fry will still be held this week. We send messages out as more details are decided.

Men's Spring Basketball League

Sign-ups Coming Soon...

Spread the word...Men's Spring Basketball League!

  • 30 years age minimum
  • Parishioners Only
  • Games played on Sunday evenings
  • Season begins the week after Spring Break and runs through May

--- OTHER NEWS ---

Mercy Academy Summer Camps

Mercy Academy has over 40 academic and athletic camps being offered this summer. There is something for everyone! Register now at

Trinity Summer Soccer Camp

This camp is designed to prepare players with the technical and tactical parts of the game. Dribbling (1-on-1 skills), passing and receiving, along with shooting and other basic skills will be taught. Juggling and penalty kick shootout contests along with the 4-vs-4 tourney are always a blast! The July camp will be held on the turf at Trinity’s Marshall Stadium and is directed by Head Coach Dale Helfrich and his staff of current and former players!

Holy Spirit Summer Camp

Summer Camp Registration is NOW OPEN! Free Registration and other early bird discounts available until February 28, 2020. Summer Camp Hours 9:00-3:30 with before and after camp care available. Camp is available to any student entering PreK - 7th grades. Part Time options are available please visit our website or call Angie Hiland at 502-893-7700 for more information.

The End.

Updated: 03/16/20 @ 3:45 PM