Monday Memo

Week 3 | August 30-September 3, 2021

Upcoming EVENTS

NEw In this Week's Edition:

  • Vaccine Cards Requested!

  • PTO Meeting Dates!

  • WaterStep Donations!

  • Volleyball Line Judge Positions Open!

  • Fall Family Fun Night Help Needed

  • Room Parent Sign Ups Coming Soon

  • Webinar about Underage Drinking for Parents

  • Parish Mission

  • Refit Exercise Class is Back!

--- Around the school ---

Updated covid protocol:

Vaccine Cards Request!

Parents of a vaccinated student may send a copy of their child's vaccination card to or to the school office to the attention of Tatum Park. If your vaccinated child is exposed to a positive case, you will still be contacted if they are within the 3-foot radius of the positive case. Vaccinated students do not need to quarantine. This is optional but would greatly help us in speeding up the process dealing with exposures and quarantining. Thank you!

New Year, New Protocols!

Click the button below to view our 2021-2022 COVID Protocols on what to do upon exposure or a confirmed positive test.

**New Change!**

Although we highly encourage you to make student appointments after school, we are going back to our original policy of allowing students to return to school after their appointments during the school day. We appreciate your cooperation with this throughout our year last year, and hope that the decrease in interruptions throughout the school day will continue as much as possible.

Maps testing Continues!

MAP Growth Testing will begin this week. Grade level teachers will communicate to parents when they will be testing. Students in Grades 1-2 will take MAP Growth Tests in Reading and Math. Students in grades 3-8 will take MAP Growth Tests in Reading, Math, and Language Arts. MAP Growth is a computer-adaptive test that begins with a question at each student's grade level and adjusts the level of difficulty based on individual performance. Teachers will use the results of the tests to inform their instruction as well as monitor the growth of individual students. Watch the video on the right to learn more.

Waterstep charity drive

We will collect shoes for WaterStep between 8/30-9/9. As you purchase new school shoes for your children, please hold onto the old ones. We can accept all new and gently used shoes including tennis shoes, high heels, boots, kids dress shoes, athletic cleats, and more! Send your donations in with your kids. They have boxes outside of their homerooms.

WaterStep is a nonprofit organization that provides safe water, sanitation and health education to communities in developing countries. If you would like more information about WaterStep, please visit their website at

Carpool Pivot #1: Drop-off Expansion

Jk and kindergarten

We have great news! If you ONLY have a student who is in JK or K you can now go through the MORNING preschool drop off line. This line comes down Miramar and circles by the gym. There will be adults to help guide your child to their classroom.

4th grade

You are now welcome to join the 5-8th grade morning carpool drop off by the church. Remember this is only for those families that have older students (Grades 4-8th). If you have any siblings that are younger please continue to use the main carpool dropoff.

--- From our pto ---

PTO Meetings!

The St. Albert PTO would like to welcome you to the new school year and invite you to our meetings. We would love to see you! The meetings will take place in the Parish Life Complex on the dates below. If you have questions, please email

Sept. 22 at 7:15 p.m.

Nov. 16 at 7 p.m.

Feb. 22 at 7 p.m.

April 19 at 7 p.m.

Fall family fun night sponsorship opportunities

We are expecting a big crowd Sept. 18 at Fall Family Fun night, our first community-wide gathering since the pandemic began! This is a great opportunity for you to showcase your business. We need sponsors to offset the cost of the event — which will include food, drinks, games, music and more — so we can raise money for St. Albert’s greenspace.

Two “presenting” sponsorships are available. These businesses or families will be recognized on a banner and by the emcee. The first two businesses/families can secure this sponsorship for $1,000 each, or one business/family can have single-title rights for $1,900.

An unlimited number of sponsorships is available for $150 each. Your logo will be displayed on a large banner beneath the presenting sponsors, and the emcee will recognize you.

Interested? Contact Blair McBride at (502) 664-5590 or; or Chris Boehnlein at (502) 930-5760 or

Coming soon: Room parent sign-ups

We will send the signup genius link to become a Room Parent on Wednesday September 1st. Two room parents from each homeroom will use PTO funds to plan and execute 3 parties this year.

10/29 Halloween

12/17 Christmas

2/9 Valentine’s Day

These parties are currently scheduled from 10-10:45 am

All Room Parents must complete the Archdiocese Safe Environment Training and a background check through St.Albert before 10/29.

Please contact Lauren Biagi and Kristin Chin for more information.

--- After school ---

Cub-Scout Sign Ups

Sign up for Cub Scouts! Open to K-5th grade boys. $95 dues for the full year. Cub Scouting is all about being active and having fun outdoors with friends, while building skills and character. Come to our "Rocket Into Scouting" kickoff event on September 1st!

Contact: Mike Biagi, Pack Chair,

Editor's Note:

I use what I learned in Scouts every single day. Scouting is one of, if not the best, organized activities for youth from 5-18. Nothing has had the same impact on me as scouting did. It teaches lifelong lessons and helps builds a character on principle and kindness. The Scout Slogan is 'Do a Good Turn Daily' and every day, I ask myself if I've done my turn still. I cannot recommend the program enough.

Monday Memo Editor / Eagle Scout, Jack O'Keefe

Saint Albert online chess club

The Chess Education Foundation will be providing professional chess coaching through our Online Chess Club. Our experienced coaches are the best in the state. There will be a daily chess class at 5:30 PM online, students may join any or all classes that fit their schedule.

Homework Club, Grades 6-8

St. Albert the Great is pleased to announce an after school program, Homework Club, developed for students currently in grades 6-8 who are challenged by completing their homework in a timely manner, need additional assistance with assignments, and or need to to prepare for tests and quizzes.

Homework Club is a structured environment where students will receive small group attention and motivation in a warm and encouraging atmosphere.

The goal of Homework Club is to help students become resourceful and proactive learners. Students will become empowered to take charge of their academics and learn the art of successful study habits.

Homework Club will be mentored by Deanna O'Keefe

Club participation is limited to 10 students per day.

  • When: Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays

  • Time: 3:00 pm - 4:15 pm

  • Where: 8C Mrs. O’Keefe’s Homeroom

  • Cost: $12 per session

  • Pick up: 4:15 pm SHARP Junior High Breezeway door

Webinar on underage drinking for parents

Operation Parent is hosting a webinar about discussing Underage Drinking with your child, below is the description they provided:

Presented by Helen Witty

MADD National President Helen Witty, a parent and victim of drunk and drugged driving, lost her precious daughter Helen Marie when a teen who had been drinking tequila and smoking marijuana made the terrible choice to get behind the wheel and drive. Helen believes it is stories like hers and sadly many others, that hold the power to create change. Helen will graciously remind us of the power we have as parents to help our teens make smart, healthy, and safer choices.

--- From Sports ministry ---

Volleyball line judges needed!

We are in need of volleyball line judges for this season and as soon as this Saturday. If you are in high school and looking for a job, please email Blair McBride at The pay is $10 an hour.


--- From the Parish ---

First Communion parent meeting!

We encourage all parents of 2nd graders or older children to attend our First Communion Meeting on August 31 at 7:00pm in the Church. We will still host Plate Painting and the Family Retreat/Rehearsal, have a class banner, and are hoping to host Grandparents’ Day. Hopefully, you have received an email with the First Communion Enrollment Form which includes the plate painting order (optional)

If for some reason you did not receive this email, please check your Spam Box or contact Cindy McKinley ( in the Formation Office to edit your email address.

Parish Mission: Sept 12-14

You are invited to revitalize your faith at our upcoming Parish Mission. Join Rev. Jim Sichko for 3 nights of engaging inspiration! Nursery will be provided for children infant to age 5 in the Sacred Heart Center every night of the mission (masks are required for children age 3+). Rev. Sichko will also be the homilist at all weekend Masses on Sept. 11 and 12. We hope to see you there!

REFIT Exercise Class is Back!

REFIT Exercise Class is back with several upcoming opportunites in the Parish Life Complex, from 6-7pm on the listed dates. Due to Archdiocesan guidelines, masks are required for all unvaccinated participants. Masks are also recommended for all participants at this time.

the monday memo and you

The Monday Memo is produced by Jack O'Keefe, the Technology Director. If you have any comments, concerns, scathing criticisms, or a neat gif please let me know:

If you have any content you would like to be run in the Monday Memo, please click below and fill out the form! All information must be submitted by the Thursday prior to the run.

See you next time!