Monday Memo

Week 32 | April 13-17, 2020

Upcoming EVENTS


As of this week, 'checking in' via the attendance spreadsheets will NO LONGER be required. You do not have to check in for attendance at all. We have removed the link on the distance learning website.

We will assume that every student is present unless they are unable to work. If your student is sick/unable to work please let us know by replying to the morning announcement email we send each morning. Mr. Henderson will make sure the people that need to know are notified. If this becomes too much we will create an absentee form to be completed if need be.

Hopefully that takes some stress off of families.

--- From The Office ---

Happy Easter

Happy Easter! I hope you were able to celebrate our risen Lord this past weekend.

My family joined in a facetime call with my parents and my brother’s family. Although it was different it was so good to be able to see everyone and talk to each other as if we were gathered in one place. I hope you have been able to see others and talk with them whether it is on a video or just on the phone. It is so important for us to do so. Please don’t forget that it is important for the children too. They miss their friends. So if you have the opportunity let them facetime a friend and just talk for a few minutes.

I want to acknowledge that this pandemic has caused all of us to take on different roles. I know that this is difficult. I have told our teachers how amazing I think they are to have had one weekend to transition their teaching to online and how they have embraced it and done such a good job…. I want to say to you, the parents, I am thankful to you for taking on the role of teacher. It is a hard job. It is definitely not one that is done while simultaneously trying to do another job as well. The corona virus has created anxiety and panic beyond what we have ever experienced before. Our routines and schedules have been turned on their head and it seems like they are continuously doing cartwheels. We are worried about our families and for some, our jobs. Life right now is STRESSFUL. Throw in school work with a child who may not want to do school at home and doesn’t understand why we cannot be at school or a teenager who just wants to sleep and that is a recipe for tantrums and fights.

When this happens try to take a step back and think about this. When all of this is over and we go back to our normal way of life what will our children remember? Is it the fighting and arguing over doing school work or the fun things that you did because we couldn’t go to school? Was it the way you had a pretend fire drill or did math facts outside on the driveway with chalk? I know there are assignments and we want the students to complete them but we also want them to learn new things like how to cook dinner, load the dishwasher, or fold laundry; those things that maybe we have been too busy to teach before the virus hit because everyone was going in different directions. We want to come out of this with happy memories, not ones of fear and distress. So if things are not working out on a particular day give yourself permission to stop and create a fun memory before you try again.

If you need anything I am just an email away. Be sure to reach out. I pray that you are all well and safe and that we will be able to see each other very soon.


Stacie Short

School Councilor

--- Around The School ---

Flex Fridays

To clarify, the usual full day's worth of graded assignments given for Fridays will be REPLACED with fun, themed activity options. This is in lieu of, not in addition to.

As stated in Mrs. Martin's email from last week:

“Flex Fridays” will start Friday, April 17. “Flex Fridays” will provide fun, themed activities for our students to choose. We would like for each family to choose at least one activity to participate in, and you are welcome to do as many as you would like. Each grade level will be providing one activity relating to the theme, and you will get to choose any of the activities that interest you. “Flex Friday” activities will not be graded or required to turn in.

  • Friday, April 17: STREAM Day activities
  • Friday, April 24: Earth Day activities
  • Friday, May 1: No work: Oaks Day holiday

We hope that these fun days will provide happy and stress free time spent with your families as well as allow time for work that might not have been completed during the week.

Distance LEarning Spirit wear Day

We’ve got spirit yes we do, we’ve got spirit how about you? Join us for a spirit wear day this Friday! Let’s see your Viking spirit! This includes students, parents, faculty, even pets! Post your pictures and tag us @stalbertky! #VikingSpirit #virtualspiritday

COVID-19 Time Capsule

This is not homework or a required assignment but this is something that your family may want to do together to remember this time.

New water station installed

Thank you so much to our Student Council, as well as a private donor, for organizing and raising enough money to have our first water station installed in the school! This water station has been installed in the Jr. High wing by the computer room and the library. We appreciate your hard work and dedication to our school.

Summer Solutions is here!

Summer learning loss puts students at a serious disadvantage. This is when skills and knowledge are lost over the summer months, causing students to move backwards instead of progressing.

By spending just minutes a day with Summer Solutions, students get the practice they need to keep moving forward. It was designed to help students return to school after summer break confident in the skills they’ve already learned and ready to master new ones.

Your child worked hard all year. Make sure that progress sticks. Give your child the advantage of Summer Solutions.

Each book is $13.00

Textbook Logins

Online Textbook logins for students can be found at the spreadsheet linked below.

--- From The ParisH ---

Stewardship Form 2020-2021

We are still collecting the Blue Stewardship Forms that went home in early March. There are several ways to turn in these forms via email (, Fax (502-394-9896), drop-off in the black Security mailbox on the wall outside of the Parish Office, or in the next schoolwork dropoff. If you need an additional copy of this Stewardship Form, it is attached here. Thank you.

Rice Bowls

You can drop-off any physical Rice Bowls containing change or cash donations to the school during the next schoolwork drop-off. Or you can hold onto the Rice Bowls until the Parish Office opens to the public.

TinySaints Fundraiser Up Date!

Our TinySaints Fundraiser has moved online! If you have already purchased TinySaints through one of our St. Albert Youth or the Youth Ministry Office, there is no need to redo your order. I will be placing that order at the end of the month, as originally intended.

If you haven't ordered, now is your chance. Shop through the link for St. Albert to get the credit for your purchase.

You can also share the link with your friends and family and they can order even if they don't live close. All of these orders will be shipped to the person who ordered them directly. (Orders placed with me already will come to the parish office.)

Any profit made will go into our Mission Trip Fundraising Budget. If it is not able to be utilized this year, the money raised will be used for the Summer 2021 Mission Trip.

Summer Mission Trip Opportunity

All current 7th and 8th graders are invited to join the St. Albert Youth Ministry office on our Summer 2020 Mission Trip to Catholic HEART Workcamp in Montague, MI from June 28th-July 3rd.

This summer, CHWC invites you to ask yourself the question: “Who am I?”. Join us as we discover the answer to this question by encountering the great I AM through love, service, and connection to His people.

$100 non-refundable deposit & Commitment Form due to sign up. Total Cost $300. 15 Spots Available. Flyers and Commitment Forms are located outside Ms. Ledgerwood's office.

Contact Emileigh Ledgerwood, Director of Youth Ministry & Confirmation, at for more information

Save the Date: Picnic 2020


St. Albert the Great Parish Picnic

Family Night: June 18th

June 19th & 20th, 2020


Field Day Save the Date

Mark your calendars!

Field Day: Fun in the Sun

Thursday May 21st, 2020

Volunteer sign ups coming after spring break



The CSAA is following the lead of the Archdiocese of Louisville and will adhere to all mandates from Archbishop Kurtz throughout this period. If CSAA sports resume activity this year, CSAA will work with each parish to ensure teams are able to participate. Manual registrations will be managed on short notice and modified uniform requirements will be made as needed to minimize unnecessary expenditures and early registration expenses.

In short, the CSAA will do anything practical and reasonable to allow student-athletes to participate in spring/summer CSAA sports IF school resumes. If at any point school is cancelled for the remainder of the 2019-2020 year all remaining 2019-2020 CSAA sports will be cancelled as well.

Below is an update on each remaining 2019-2020 CSAA sport:

Soccer – shortened season at best.

Softball – Shortened season at best.

**Track (scheduled for April 19th / school closed until at least April 20th) – Officially Canceled due to school closure and limitations on makeup dates and facilities.

Field Hockey – Pending

Baseball – Pending

Golf – Pending

Tennis - Pending

--- OTHER NEWS ---

Mercy Academy Summer Camps

Mercy Academy has over 40 academic and athletic camps being offered this summer. There is something for everyone! Register now at

Trinity Summer Soccer Camp

This camp is designed to prepare players with the technical and tactical parts of the game. Dribbling (1-on-1 skills), passing and receiving, along with shooting and other basic skills will be taught. Juggling and penalty kick shootout contests along with the 4-vs-4 tourney are always a blast! The July camp will be held on the turf at Trinity’s Marshall Stadium and is directed by Head Coach Dale Helfrich and his staff of current and former players!

Holy Spirit Summer Camp

Summer Camp Registration is NOW OPEN! Free Registration and other early bird discounts available until February 28, 2020. Summer Camp Hours 9:00-3:30 with before and after camp care available. Camp is available to any student entering PreK - 7th grades. Part Time options are available please visit our website or call Angie Hiland at 502-893-7700 for more information.

The End.

Updated: 04/14/20 @ 5:30 PM